This post will show you a trick to read fault codes (trouble codes / error codes) without a diagnostic tool. It is nicknamed a ‘pedal test’ and is really quick and easy to do. This is one thing that the manufacturer always seem to forget to add to the car’s owners manual!… This can work on many different models of Opel / Vauxhall cars including the following models: Astra, Zafira, Corsa, Vectra, Meriva and others. It only takes about 60 seconds to get your trouble codes.
Rather than take the car to your local dealer and pay hard-earned money for them to tell you your error codes, watch the video below and go and get them yourself for FREE! Don’t forget to take a pen and paper with you to write down the codes, or you can make a video on your phone so that you have them to hand for later.
As stated in the video, the numbers you see are slightly different to the ones displayed on the display on the dashboard. In the video preview above, the number displayed is 050056. In reality this translates to a fault code of P0500.
Finding out what your trouble codes mean is really easy. You can just go to and you will work out what your codes mean in no time! You can even find fault-finding tips on that website so it is very useful.
This is one trick that I love because you can check for fault codes as often as you like and the only tools you need are a hand and a foot!
If you want to buy an OBD II code reader (AKA Code Scanner or Diagnostic Scan Tool), so that you can read AND clear codes on your car, you can buy a fantastic model at a great price here:
I hope you found this post useful if so, please share it with others to help me provide for my family!
Chris 👍
Hi Chris,
My astra 2004 diesel is stopping/cutting off on its own. When left alone for little while (maybe 20/30minutes) it starts as nothing happened.
I followed your instructions and found the following error codes: 007071; 033529; 161450; 050074; 050084; 210870.
Please can you help,
I thank you in advance,
Hi Carine,
sorry to hear about your car troubles. I’m glad you were able to get your error codes for free using the pedal test. You’ve already saved yourself some money! 🙂
Let’s look at your fault codes one by one:
007071 = P0070 Ambient air temperature circuit. This is the sensor which tells the ECM the outside air temperature.
033529 = P0335 Crankshaft position sensor circuit malfunction. Bingo! If I was a betting man I would say this is what is causing your engine to cut out. Check out my other post and video about how to replace a crankshaft sensor on an Astra. By watching the video you will see if it is the kind of job you are comfortable to tackle yourself. (It is actually quite an easy job). The next step would be to buy a replacement crankshaft position sensor and then replace it yourself, or buy the replacement part and then get a mechanic you trust to fit it for you.
161450 = P1614 Immobiliser Wrong Signal Received. Red Herring I would say: if this code was giving issues the car probably wouldn’t start as the engine would remain immobilised.
050074 and 050084 = Vehicle speed sensor malfunction. Probably a red herring. My Astra has this code too and runs fine, it’s a very common error code on Astras.
210870 = P2108 Throttle actuator control module performance. Throttle actuator code.
My advice would be to change the crankshaft position sensor and then see what happens. If you do this yourself it is a cheap job to do and I think this is the most likely cause for the problem you describe. Good luck and let us know how you get on.
Hi Chris,
Sorry for the silence, been waiting for the mecanic. Done as you adviced but still not drive the car for a long distance to see if the problem re-occurs. I noticed on the dashboard it shows a sign of a car with a spanner in the middle of it—- I checked on the manualbook page 55 it says “control indicator for immobiliser”. Do you think this is linked to the problem I just fixed? Please advice
kind regards
Hi Carine,
please let me know what has been done to the car since your last message. Did you replace the crankshaft position sensor? You say that you just fixed a problem – please can you let me know what work has been done on the car so I have enough information to try to help you out.
Hi there,
Yes, the crankshaft sensor has been changed. I noticed on the dashboard it showed a pics of car with a spanner in the middle of it which it appeared before the car started to stop. I checked on the manual user book page 55 it says control indicator for immobiliser. Do you know what it means? Also, now that the crankshaft sensor is changed how can i get rid of the error codes?
Kind regards
Hi Carine,
so the crankshaft sensor has been changed but the car is still cutting out (engine stops on its own) if I have understood correctly…
I believe that if there is a problem with the immobiliser the ‘spanner light’ flashes. The ‘spanner light’ can mean one of a number of different things and to the best way to find the fault is via the engine error codes.
To ‘reset’ the stored engine codes you can disconnect the battery by removing the positive battery terminal. Leave this disconnected for 30 minutes or so then reconnect it this should clear any old engine management codes stored by the ECM. (You can do the pedal test immediately after you reconnect the battery to confirm this.) Then, you can run the car for a while to see if there are any problems. If there are, they should come up as fault codes on the pedal test after the problems have occurred. If this happens then come back to me with your fault codes and I’ll do my best to give you some suggestions.
Hello Chris I have these codes showing on my zafira 1.9cdti can you tell me what they are please 040058,161450,161600 many thanks
Hi Geoff,
to ‘translate’ your codes, just ignore the last 2 digits and put a P before the first digit. So your first one is P0400.
Then go to to see what your codes are:
Which is “Exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) system -flow malfunction”
I hope this helps. 🙂
Chris 👍
Thanks for the information. How do you translate the codes? “the number displayed is 050056. In reality this translates to a fault code of P0500.” How do you find that out? Thanks.
Hi Vahe,
thank you for your question. To ‘translate’ the codes, you just remove the las two digits and then place a P at the beginning.
For example: 033529 – 0335 = P0335
Hi Chris
I have Opel zafyra 2006 year model.
On the screen error ECN 053003
What is the problem of this fault?
Thank you.
P.s. If it’s posible please reply in my e-mail
Hi Zilvenas,
To ‘translate’ your codes, just ignore the last 2 digits and put a P before the first digit. So yours becomes P0530.
Then go to to see what your code is.
In this case it is this:
Which is an air conditioning refrigerant pressure sensor error.
I hope this helps. 🙂
Chris 👍